In rubber cultivation always encountered pest problems consisting of pests and diseases. Pests are causing damage to plants from the class of insects / animals, while the disease causes damage to the plant from the class of microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and so on.
In rubber gum diseases are more important than chewing pests due to loss / damage is greater. Therefore here is more emphasis on the issue of rubber plant diseases.
White root fungus disease is a major disease of rubber because it can lead to death of the plant. Huge losses due to this disease occurs especially when the rubber is planted on former forest or old former rubber plantation land clearing process is not done perfectly, so stout stubble or residue from the previous crop root pain is left in the ground.
- White root fungus disease caused by a fungus or Rigidoporus Rigidoiporus lignosus microporus
- This fungus attacks the roots of plants, causing decay. Attacks can occur in immature plants or plants that have been produced.
The symptoms of fungal attack white root:
- Symptoms of the leaf canopy is pale yellow, dull, dry and eventually fall so stay canopy branches only.
-When the root zone of open looks on the root surfaces covered with micelium (fungal threads) or risomorf (compact collection of fungal threads that are round / flat aft) white color flat shape. The older risomorf turns amber color.
- To detect the presence of a white fungus attacks the roots of this can be done by covering the plants with roots neck litter (mulisa). After 3 weeks on the neck of the affected plants will root risomorf overgrown.
How to survive the white root fungus:
- White root fungi defend themselves on the remains of the wood and roots in the soil. The length of the white root fungus can survive depends on the size of the root is left in the soil and the factors that influence the decay remnants of the roots.
Control of white root fungus:
- Reduction of white root fungus disease can be done by carrying out several activities in an integrated manner with the technical culture, mechanical, biological, and chemical. So far have not found clones that are resistant to the white root fungus. Effective quarantine measures are not taken to control the disease because it is a white root fungus that can attack polifag wide range of plants.
- Control of white root fungi can be divided into 2 groups of activities, namely:
1. Clean the source of infection before and after planting rubber.
2. Prevent the spread of disease in the garden area.
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