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Monday, September 23, 2013

Analisys Agricultural Problems in Indonesia

 Analisys Agricultural problems in Indonesia - Transfromasi economic structure in Indonesia at this time showed symptoms leading industrial countries , but we still think that Indonesia as an agricultural country .

There are two reasons why this country is still regarded as an agricultural country or state farms. First , the agricultural sector is still one of the leading sector in the Indonesian economy , demonstrated by market share is still high enough for the formation of gross domestic product ( GDP ) . The second reason , most , about 33 percent ( 42.47 million ) , the population aged 15 years and over who worked depend on the agricultural sector .
So far a lot of the problems that arise agriculture in Indonesia and make the agricultural sector has not been growing as the agricultural sector in other countries .

What exactly is the problem of agriculture in Indonesia 's most quaint and has so far not been taken seriously by the relevant parties ?

System or how farming in Indonesia is still dominated by farming system of the past , the agricultural system has many drawbacks such as :

  1. Small scale ,
  2. Limited capital ,
  3. The use of simple technology ,
  4. Greatly influenced by season ,
  5. Local market area ,
  6. Generally attempted to family labor thus causing agricultural involution ( hidden unemployment ) ,
  7. Access to credit , technology and markets is very low ,
  8. Agricultural commodity markets that are mono / oligopsonistic controlled by wholesalers resulting in exploitation rates are detrimental to farmers ,
  9. Agrarian reform ( conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land ) are increasingly out of control
  10. The lack of provision of quality seeds to farmers ,
  11. Shortages of fertilizer during the planting season comes ,
  12. Rice self-sufficiency is not improving the welfare of farmers and violations Peasant Rights .

Troubleshooting Solution Agriculture in Indonesia

Of the 12 case of agricultural issues in Indonesia that has been described above , then the following will be discussed how to tackle the agricultural problems in the future .

  1. Optimization of the overall program of organic farming in Indonesia as well as demanding the utilization of unused land to productive agricultural and environmentally friendly .
  2. Regulation of the conversion of land to the enactment of the land area is protected by the existence of eternal law .
  3. Strengthening the institutional system of education to farmers and farmer , a incentive program of farming , agricultural banking programs , market development and marketing network in favor of farmers , and the development of agriculture -based industrialization / rural , and facilitate access - access to sources of information science and technology .
  4. Indonesia should be able to get out of the WTO and all forms of global free trade in 2014 .
  5. Agricultural infrastructure improvement and enhancement of appropriate technology in the context of sound local knowledge as well as the maximum utilization of the results of local research scientists .
  6. Achieve food sovereignty in Indonesia.
  7. Quality improvement and welfare of agricultural extension .
  8. Make and enforce the Law on Peasant Rights protection .
  9. Positioning the officials and officers in each agency or institution in accordance with the agricultural and plantation each scientific field .
  10. Soon realize agrarian reform .
  11. Load balancing information relating to the world of agriculture and drafting specific showtimes for publication in the agricultural world existing around the mass media .
  12. Further guidance for graduates in agriculture are integrated through the growth of entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector ( business incubator ) in the form of training and apprenticeship ( retoling ) oriented life skills , entrepreneurial skills and seek independence , education and training programs for young people through apprenticeship to countries which has developed advanced agricultural sector , improving the quality of secondary education and higher agricultural education , agricultural development courses are able to attract the younger generation , as well as other programs that aim to explore the potential , interests , and talents of young people in agriculture and birth young people who have a scientific attitude , professional , creative , and high social awareness for the advancement of agriculture in Indonesia , such as the Olympics agriculture , farming movement of love in children , agriyouth camp , and others.
  13. Eradicate mafia farm .
  14. Involving students in agricultural development programs through the implementation of bulk agricultural guidance , increasing the competitiveness of students in entrepreneurship and funding assistance for student programs .

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