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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pest and Disease Control in Integrated Rice

Due to population growth still high. Pests and diseases is one of the programs to increase rice production constraints. Increased production constraints will increasingly complex due to global climate change.

Pests and diseases of rice is one of the biotic stresses that cause results gap between potential yield and actual results, and also led to the production of unstable. In Southeast Asia rice yields average 3.3 t / ha, whereas the results of which can be reached 5.6 t / ha. The results gap caused by disease and pests by 12.6% 15.2% (Oerke et al. 1994). In Indonesia, the potential results are released rice varieties ranged from 5-9 t / ha (Suprihanto et al. 2006), while the results of a new nationwide reached an average of 4.32 t / ha (BPS 2001).

Widespread pests and diseases of rice based on data compilation Agricultural Statistics IV (SP IV 2006) by the Directorate of Food Crop Protection, within the last five years is 152 638 mouse ha / yr, stem borer 89 048 ha / yr, 26 542 BPH ha / yr, Bacterial leaf blight 28 808 ha / yr, tungro disease 13 327 ha / yr and blas 9674 ha / yr. Estimation of rice yield loss by pests and diseases to reach 212 948 t GKP / planting (Soetarto et al., 2001). Therefore, the sixth this important pests and diseases should get priority handling. The yield loss is much lower than the estimated results of the survey in tropical Asia are estimated to reach 37% (IRRI 2002).

Efforts to increase national rice production in a sustainable manner, specifically by increasing the stability of the results, there is still a great opportunity through: 1) the use of genetic resources for the improvement of varieties tehadap pest resistance and disease, 2) increasing the role of natural enemies of pests and statement, as biological control, 3) the use of a variety of plant species as a potential botanical pesticides are effective and environmentally friendly, 4) narrowing the gap between the potential results (the results when released varieties) with farmers outcomes, 5) suppression of pre-harvest yield losses by pests and diseases are still on top 15%, 6) improved understanding of the epidemiology and ecology of pests that will result in new technology component of integrated pest management (IPM).

In this paper are described the dynamics of rice pests and diseases that cause instability of rice production, component control technology that has been developed, the concept and implementation of IPM in Indonesia, and incentive (profits) derived from the application of IPM.

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