This Corynespora disease causes leaf fall leaf fall continuously throughout the year so that plant growth is compromised, not even death can be tapped on the rubber plant . This disease can also occur in nurseries and budwood gardens . Cause of this disease is by fungus Corynespora Cassiicola .
The symptoms caused by this disease are :
- Corynespora primarily attacks the leaves , both young plants and in older plants .
- The attack begins with patches of brown / black especially in the bones of the leaf . Spotting then developed following bones are more delicate leaf that looks like a thorn / fishbone
- The leaves are sick dry , turn brown and fall , especially when the attack began on the main stems or leaves .
- Young twigs are attacked will be broken , dried and eventually die .
Several factors influence this disease are :
- The development of leaf diseases Corynespora affected by weather , topography , age , condition of the plant , and the plant species or clones .
- In the wet climate regions usually experience severe attacks . On damp or cloudy weather , with the rainy weather that is not too high , but evenly throughout the day , as well as the air temperature is approximately 26-29 degrees Celsius , thereby helping the state of progression of the disease .
- The gardens are located above 300 meters above sea level less under attack .
- Young plants either in the nursery , budwood garden , and in the field more vulnerable .
- Plants are weak from lack of fertilizer will be more heavily affected , whereas if excess nitrogen fertilizer , plants also become more vulnerable .
For the control of this disease carried by some appropriate ways , among others :
- Technical culture
- To prevent this disease by planting suggestions 4:4 resistant clones in 1 planting area .
- Additional fertilizer nutrient content impartial .
- In certain cases , grafting canopy can be done to reduce the risk losses due to this disease .
To protect plants from Corynespora done by spraying fungicides are recommended .
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