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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Innovation Mushroom Cultivation

Heavy rain all day non-stop pounding oyster mushroom cap . Understandably , Triono Fortunately Piryadi planting oysters in kumbung without a roof . However , planters in Cugenang , Cianjur , West Java , the high-grade harvesting oysters . Triono just giving a net 50 % - were able to pass on 50 % of light . Usually planters cultivating oysters in kumbung closed , with roofs and walls . The reason is obvious , oysters vulnerable to fungal pathogen contamination . Just awful when it rains , water drips and wet the mold without ceasing . When Trubus covering day , heavy rain fell from 11:00 to 17:30 o'clock . During this time many gardeners worry mushrooms will be damaged due to exposure to water . The key to success is to develop strains Triono Hypsizygus ulmarius more resilient than Pleurotus ostreatus strains .

Gadjah Mada University alumnus was picking mushrooms in prime condition . Character hood is curved downward . That means not perfect bloom . If picking when it expands , so easily damaged mushrooms . Triono apply aka baglog bed terraced cultivation .

However , he only accumulate 10 baglog or waist-high . The goal is to make it easier to harvest and transport the packaged mushrooms . because of reasons efficiency , many planters baglog piling up 22 pieces so very high , 2 meters . The impact is not only difficult for the harvest , but also accelerate the destruction of the fungus . Harvesters should be looked for picking mushrooms and fungi are often put into a plastic tray with a little hard .


In addition to the above styled shelves , baglog position can also be hung . NS Adiyuwono , mushroom experts in Ciwidey , Bandung regency , West Java , to develop baglog hanging . He made hangers from plastic rope . Four pieces of plastic rope tied around 2 meters along the 2 bars 2.5 meter bamboo mounted 2 feet from the floor surface kumbung . The fourth end of the rope tied to the circular plastic ring diameter of 11 cm to support baglog . For bars along the 2.5 m , load hanger 20-25 .

Baglog arranged with horizontal to vertical plastic ring . In order baglog bottom is not damaged by the depressed baglog pile on it , the amount of the maximum stack baglog 3-4 . After that , at the top of the pile again mounted the support ring , then arranged baglog . And so on . At one hanger as high as 2 m , contains at least 20 baglog . According to Adi advantage baglog kumbung suspension is to increase capacity . Kumbung measuring 19 mx 6 m able to accommodate 30,000 baglog . If arranged on a bamboo rack , only 13,000 baglog . Planters also do not need to pay Rp 4 - million to make shelves in kumbung 19 mx 6 m . Hanging shelves only spent R1 ,5 - million . way the process even easier . Therefore , to make a hanging rack requires only a working day ; bamboo rack , 3-5 days .


Baglog sterilization process can also be accelerated as did Riyadi Harumi - he reluctantly called real name . Planters in West Java The sterilizing baglog only 30 minutes spent 7 liters of kerosene . In fact , other planters planters - spent 3 hours , even pasteurized up to 12 hours . With sterilization 3 hours , the percentage reaches 20 % of contaminants . Riyadi who sterilize 30 minutes only find 2 % of contaminants . The key to success is putting Riyadi inlet pipe steam or hot water discharge points at the bottom of the autoclave . Hot steam pipe out of the hole and move freely up through baglog . Therefore , the water vapor is lighter than air . Pressed air steam up . That is why if the position of the inlet pipe above , many baglog at the bottom of the autoclave was tersucihamakan . Other manufacturers , usually putting the inlet pipe at the top of the autoclave , so sterilization also need a longer time .

Alternative media

Innovation is another mushroom cultivation baglog alternative media . During the sawdust into a medium that is widely used planters . But Ir Muhammad Atamimi , planters in Ciwidey , Bandung regency , replace the sawdust with kiambang . Kiambang be the main ingredient in the composition of the growing media 60-80 % . Alumnus of Geodesy ITB it adds up to 20 % vermicompost aka worm dirt . So , when the weight of a baglog 1.5 kg , Atamimi mix of 12 ounces and 3 ounces dried kiambang vermicompost . Treat pasteurized at a temperature below 70 degrees Celsius as well as baglog sawdust .

Because contaminants are still high , baglog also sterilized at a temperature of 112 degrees Celsius so that the risk of contamination is only 3 % . Mycelium aka mushroom spawn inoculated at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius . With the media mycelial growth is relatively fast . On day 21, the mycelium is compliant media . he reaped fungus on the 40th day after inoculation . In fact , with sawdust media Atamimi average first harvest on day 45 . Not only accelerated the harvest , production volume increases. Atamimi reap average 440-480 g mushrooms per baglog . In fact there are several baglog yield 600 g . Compare with production planters that use sawdust media , only 400 g . That is , by using a mixture of kiambang - vermicompost , production jumped 10-20 % .

According Atamimi mediated kiambang mushroom production should reach 2 kg per baglog , such as Dutch planters achieved . not achieving seed production because it is considered bad and unstable treatment . With production expected profits surge planters also soared . Therefore , equivalent to the cost of production is 1,200 baglog sawdust - Rp1.500 per baglog . Nitrogen Kiambang able to boost production of oyster mushroom as rich in organic nitrogen and cellulose . Organic nitrogen required mushrooms essential for the synthesis of various compounds such as proteins , purine , and pyrimidine . Fiber on kiambang more easily biodegradable because it contains little lignin . It easier for the fungus to digest the cellulose that spur the growth of mycelium .

Not all fungi have cellulose enzyme breaker . Examples mushroom . Therefore , kiambang also good as a medium mushroom planting . Vermicompost as a source of minerals and enzymes that are rich in protein , reaching 60 % . Furthermore , vermicompost beneficial microorganisms activate kiambang to accelerate decomposition . Kiambang addition , it also utilizes polar planters or some sort of bran in the milling of wheat seeds . Polar has been used to animal feed ingredients . Same formulation with baglog kiambang , 80 % polar and 20 % vermicompost . Mushroom production in the new media also jumped 20 % . Polar containing carbohydrates as carbon sources of energy required to synthesize fungal and astringent cell builder .

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