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Friday, March 14, 2014

Healthy soils with Bokashi

Twenty years ago an area of ​​1 ha was very dry cleaning . Residue phosphate cement -like layer apparent when soil excavated to a depth of 20-30 cm . In the "land of the sick " that papaya can only 2,5 years old while synthetic fertilizer directly embedded. In " healthy soil " papaya willing to endure 4-8 years . Now in the land that produced 16.4 tons of bark per year . Land disehatkan recover after 8 years with Bokashi manure .

In a garden in Batam , Riau Islands Bokashi also be savior durian and rambutan is almost dying in dry land very dry . whereas in flower Lebo , Sidoarjo , East Java , Bokashi lebatkan key tabulampot pink taiwan bread . As first choice , cow dung from home cutting reworked so Bokashi . References to " land sick" emerging last 2 decades . The nickname was given on land given continuous fertilizer production but still , even declining.

Prof Go Ban Hong , an expert agriculturist Indonesia , citing a reference more creepy : " land hungry " "How was given fertilizer , land continues to crash . Usually arise because management less accurate . Good soil health physical , chemical, and biological disturbed , "said Dr. Dedik Budianta , the fertility of the land from of the University of Sriwijaya . " Real pain " can only be restored by improving physical health , chemistry, and biology at once. " The smartest way to enter organic matter into the soil , "said Dedik . Loosen soil organic matter and improve soil 's ability to hold nutrient and water . it also macro -and micro- nutrient containing complete rather than synthetic fertilizers . In organic materials are useful in a variety of microorganisms land .

Unfortunately , conventional manufacturing organic fertilizer regularly Complaint farmers in the field. " Make it longer. It took 1-3 months to mengomposkan . When applied directly to the soil, plants and even dead heat , "said Asmara Agus H , Salak farmers on Cimande , Bogor . because Agus adopt the technique of making Bokashi manure obtained from H Hamid . The last mentioned pioneers of organic farming in Bogor gain knowledge to make Bokashi manure in Thailand in the early 90's. According to Ir Hendrik Virgilius MS , former rice researcher sought to treat durian and rambutan on strike bear fruit in the garden in Bintan , Riau, Bokashi rich soil microbes . Quick presence Bokashi make soil more fertile so . " Another advantage , Bokashi a pH tends neutral , "said Muhammad Taufik , researchers at Puspa Lebo .

According to Agus, the main raw material selected to make Bokashi goat shit . "The principle is to make Bokashi accelerated aging . Manure nutrient rich goat and was selected as the material available , " he said. Other materials in the form of husk charcoal , fine bran , sugar , effektive microorganisms ( EM ) 4 , and water (see illustration ) . Husk fuel used for containing activated carbon . It is hoped to absorb fertilizer and pesticide residues remaining in the soil . bran and Sugar acts as a " food " early microorganisms added.

The worn Agus slightly different Bokashi manufacturing in general. "I use aerobic system ( need air , red ) . Others make Bokashi anaerobically ( without air , red), "said Agus . Thus the accumulation of raw materials same multi-layered avoided. Ir M Zakky Husein from PT Songgolangit , distributor in Jakarta , citing a reference semiaerob way . The initiative , EM4 some microorganisms in aerobic and anerob nature . To develop anaerobic atmosphere , Agus using floor - to pile of raw materials , which can drain the air . That kind of soil compacted , covered with 10 cm thick raw husk , and bamboo fronds . On fronds of bamboo raw materials in the form of goat dung mixed with husk fuel placed up to 15 cm high .

Bran sprinkled on it thinly , about 5% of the total raw material . Meanwhile EM4 dissolved by 10 cc in 10 l of water. Solution watered evenly on raw materials layered cake , then covered with plastic . Three days ago or 72 hours after a hot , ready-to-wear Bokashi manure . To improve the soil faster and completed absorbed nutrient content of crops, Agus grind Bokashi into flour . Bokashi powder that is the faithful companion Agus in healthful "land of the sick . " Was there over the past year it produces 16.4 tons of bark per from the 2200 crop year .

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